SHAPE Magazine Reveals My Best And Worst Of 2011 – Secrets Revealed!

  • Posted on: Jan 3 2012
  • By:

SHAPE Magazine has just printed an article entitled, “Secrets of a Celebrity Plastic Surgeon, Revealed!  Best and Worst of 2011, Did They or Didn’t They? ”  In the article I discuss celebs like JWoww, Kris Jenner, Pippa Middleton, and others.  We also cover some of the hottest trends in plastic surgery today!

Here’s a small part of the article:

SHAPE: Let’s start with the best and the worst of 2011. Who’s had the best plastic surgery results in your opinion?

Dr. Youn: Kris Jenner underwent a facelift on [her E! show] Keeping up with the Kardashians. Her jawline is tight, her skin
is smooth, and she looks completely natural! Kris is an example of great celebrity plastic surgery.

As for the worst, Suzanne Somers had a Stem Cell Facelift. Suzanne is what we plastic surgeons call a ‘pillow face.’ Her cheeks are plumped up and her lips look like two hot dogs. Some plastic surgeons believe that stem cells injected into the face can give a long-lasting plumpness to the face. For her sake, let’s hope these plastic surgeons are wrong.

You can find the rest of the article HERE or buy SHAPE at your local bookseller, grocery store, or newsstand.

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