Posts Tagged ‘ physician ’

Are Doctors Underpaid?

From my latest article on  I now have my own regular column, called Behind The Stethoscope. Full disclosure: I have no complaints about how much I make. But many other physicians are not as satisfied – a recent study by Medscape revealed that 49% of doctors believe they’re not fairly compensated. Of primary care […]

  • Posted on: May 3 2012
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My New Articles At!

I’ve recently been asked by’s Health Page editors to write some blog posts for them.  So far, I’ve written three articles which have all gotten quite a bit of attention.  I’m proud of them, and hope you enjoy reading my thoughts!  They’re written in the vein of my memoir, In Stitches.  Here they are: Why You […]

  • Posted on: Jul 31 2011
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