
The Age Fix

Dr. Anthony Youn is the rare plastic surgeon who does everything he can to keep his patients out of the operating room. He’s spent the past 16 years researching the secrets of plastic surgeons, dermatologists, makeup artists, and dietitians, and he knows what works, what doesn’t, and what’s overpriced. Now he’s compiled all of the solutions to every cosmetic aging problem in this definitive anti-aging bible.

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In Stitches

All Tony Youn ever wanted was to fit in. One of two Asian‑American kids in a small midwestern town, he was tall and thin with Coke‑bottle glasses, Hannibal Lecter headgear, a bowl cut, and a protruding jaw that grew even faster than his comic‑book collection. He finally got his chance senior year as he lay strapped in an oral surgeon’s chair having his jaw broken and reset—a brutal makeover that led him to his calling.

Full of heart and humor, a memoir about becoming a doctor that’s unlike anything you’ve ever read before.

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