Laser Hair Removal

This is perennially one of the most popular medspa treatments across the United States.  Laser hair removal can be done with a plethora of devices, some more effective than others.

Some general principles apply:

  • Laser hair removal works best on dark hair with lighter skin
  • Laser hair removal doesn’t work on white, gray, or blond hair, since the laser focuses on destroying the pigment in the hair follicle.
  • Be very careful if you have darker skin. The Nd-YAG laser can be better for darker skin colors, but the treatment can be more painful, necessitate more treatments, and result in pigmentary side effects.
  • Laser hair removal always necessitates multiple treatments, spaced weeks to months apart, for optimal results. Our hair enters different growth phases which means that not all the hair follicles are susceptible to the laser at one time.

To learn more about Laser Hair Removal at Youn Plastic Surgery, click HERE.