What To Eat To
Look Younger
Thank you for your interest in my free eBook What To Eat To Look Younger.
Although I am a board-certified plastic surgeon who performs hundreds of cosmetic operations per year, you might be surprised that I consider actual surgery to be an option of last resort. I strongly believe that the vast majority of people can achieve the look they’ve always wanted, or regain the youth they’ve lost, without going under the knife. It all starts with first understanding why we age.
Our appearance and the speed at which we age are determined by multiple factors. Genetics, gravity, and sun damage certainly exert powerful effects on our aging, but there is so much more to the aging process than most people realize.
We age because of the products and chemicals we put on our skin.
We age because of the pollution in our environment.
We age because of the things we do (or don’t do).
And, possibly more than anything else, we age because of the food we eat.
Holistic plastic surgery takes all of this into account: our environments, our habits, our dietary choices, and all of the different treatments we can undergo, from lasers to injections to surgeries. It combines all of these into a whole-body approach to slow down aging and to regain the appearance you’ve lost, or to gain the appearance you’ve always wanted. The tenets of holistic plastic surgery are what I’ve shared these past dozen years through television programs, radio shows, books, and articles and can be described by the term Autojuvenation™.
This is your invitation to join me. Learn how you can look your best and be your most youthful self.
So how can you get this information? You don’t have to spend a single dollar, wait for a consultation, travel to my office, or even buy my book Younger For Life. I’m happy to share this with you for free. Here is how you get the information you are looking for:
Sign up for my free e-newsletter, where each month I’ll send you the newest tips and secrets for turning back the clock. I’ll give you the straight scoop on everything related to health, beauty, and plastic surgery. Once you sign up, we’ll start by sending you the free eBook What To Eat To Look Younger. It’s your complete dietary guide to turning back the clock.
Please join me. I’d love to meet you.
Anthony Youn, MD
America’s Holistic Plastic Surgeon®