is a plastic surgery site that’s great at creating dialogue between real plastic surgeons and the public. This is the site that allows patients to vote on whether certain procedures are “worth it.” For example, Breast augmentation has a 91% worth it rating, whereas the Lifestyle Lift has a 52% worth it rating. […]
Posted on: Feb 16 2012
By: editor
Interesting article from American Health and Beauty: A new treatment is available for women who are looking to increase their bustline without surgery. The CACI treatment is a procedure that uses electrical stimulation to temporarily increase breast size. Two electrodes are placed on the breast, one above (near the pectoralis major muscle) and one to […]
Posted on: Sep 6 2011
By: editor
Silicone breast implants are back under the FDA’s microscope. Silicone implants were under original widespread use in the 1980’s and early 1990’s. Fears of silicone implants causing various diseases like lupus and arthritis prompted the FDA to ban the use of them in 1992. After analyzing studies by the two major breast implant manufacturers (Mentor and […]
Posted on: Sep 2 2011
By: editor
Dr. Peter Normann is an internist who served as an emergency room physician in Arizona. After undergoing six days of training in liposuction and some “hands-on” training in breast augmentation, he fancied himself a real plastic surgeon and began operating on unsuspecting patients. After three of his patients died during or immediately after surgery (one […]
Posted on: Jul 19 2011
By: editor
CBS Atlanta News is reporting that a woman almost bled to death during a breast augmentation performed by an opthalmologist (an eye doctor). According to their accounts, the woman was awake during the procedure and experienced her ‘surgeon’ calling 911 for help. Luckily, a real plastic surgeon was on staff at the ER and […]
An interesting article claims that plastic surgeons in Europe and Japan are using stem cells for breast augmentation. It also states that some surgeons in the United States are also performing stem cell breast augmentation. The closest thing to stem cell breast augmentation that I have experience with is fat grafting to the breast. Fat […]
Will its applications never end? Some doctors have found a new use for Botox: Breast Augmentation. According to, some plastic surgeons are injecting Botox into the muscles of the chest in an attempt to straighten a woman’s posture and thereby enhance her bust line. Click here for the article. I’ve never performed this procedure […]
I was recently featured on a the local Fox affiliate here in Detroit in a segment about the rising popularity of silicone gel implants. They follow one of my patients through her breast augmentation surgery with Memory Gel implants. Check it out here if you have a minute and are interested. Thanks to Lila Lazarus […]