So the season finale of E! Entertainment’s Bridalplasty drew over 1 million viewers. Not too shabby! I must admit that I saw the first episode and then never returned. It wasn’t my thing. One of the only shows I regularly watch nowadays is Modern Family. I miss Dr. Robert Rey and Dr. 90210! They should […]
Posted on: Feb 5 2011
By: editor
Some of you may have caught my appearance on Fox and Friends this morning on the Fox News Channel. I joined host Alisyn Camerota and Harvard psychologist Sharon Chirban in discussing the E! show Bridalplasty which premieres tonight. I brought up some points such as the danger of putting plastic surgery into a game show […]
Posted on: Nov 28 2010
By: editor
E! has ordered episodes of a new program that mixes a wedding competition with extreme plastic surgery. Bridalplasty combines elements of a game show competition, dream wedding, and plastic surgery documentary. Read about it in the Hollywood Reporter: Each week, a group of women competes head-to-head in such challenges as writing wedding vows and planning […]