Body FX

Body FX is one of the latest non-invasive cellulite treatments.  It combines aggressive heating using radiofrequency energy with a deep tissue massage all in one device.  Body FX treatments may create some mild to moderate discomfort during the session, but the results are fairly long-term compared to other non-invasive cellulite treatments.

We’ve seen results last up to six months after an initial set of 8-10 treatments, each spaced about one week apart.  This compares favorably to other similar treatments, such as endermologie, Smoothshapes, and Velashape.

Like some of the newer cellulite treatments, we believe that Body FX can also accomplish mild reduction of fat in addition to smoothing cellulite.  Although I don’t believe it’s as effective as Coolsculpting or Sculpsure in reducing fat, fat loss by Body FX appears to be real.

To learn about Body FX at Youn Plastic Surgery, click HERE.