
Among the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures, liposuction (also known as “lipoplasty,” “liposculpting” or “suction lipectomy”) sculpts the body by removing undesirable fat from areas around the thighs, knees, waist, hips, abdomen, chin, neck and upper arms. Dr. Youn performs mainly tumescent liposuction. Tumescent liposuction is used in the majority of patients who want a maximal amount of fat removed with the shortest recovery time and the shortest operating time.

What about ultrasonic or laser liposuction? Although Dr. Youn has performed these procedures in the past, he no longer performs either of them. He considers ultrasonic liposuction obsolete and unnecessary, and laser liposuction basically a marketing gimmick. Neither of them appears to give the added results that many doctors (and device manufacturers) promise.

Liposuction is not a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise, but the procedure can eliminate areas of fat that are unresponsive to typical weight-loss methods. In general, two main types of patients benefit most from liposuction. The first type are those healthy individuals who have certain areas of fat which do not respond to diet and exercise, such as the woman who inherited her mother’s thighs, or the man who inherited his father’s love handles. They are ideal candidates for liposuction. The second type is that person who needs a jump start in their weight loss program, which liposuction can provide.

Liposuction Abdomen - Before

Liposuction Abdomen, Waist, Hips – Before

Liposuction Abdomen - After

Liposuction Abdomen, Waist, Hips – After

Liposuction Buttocks - Before

Liposuction Outer Thighs (Saddlebags) – Before

Liposuction Buttocks - After

Liposuction Outer Thighs (Saddlebags) – After

Sculpsure Treatments

Non-Invasive Fat Reduction

YOUN Plastic Surgery is pleased to offer the newest device in non-invasive fat reduction. Sculpsure uses a laser to dissolve away fat from stubborn problem areas, such as the tummy, hips, thighs, and arms. It can even be used for those unwanted bra bulges! The treatment takes 25 minutes, and you can treat up to four areas at one time. Results may be visible in as early as 6 weeks, but can take up to 12 weeks total.

Sculpsure is not a weight loss device. Although the results can be impressive, they are not on the level of what can be achieved with liposuction. The best candidates for Sculpsure are at a healthy body weight (BMI less than 30) but have stubborn areas of fat that diet and exercise won’t get rid of.

If you are interested in Sculpsure at YPS, we require that you watch the video below. It will give you everything you need to know prior to undergoing an in-office consultation. Sculpsure is performed in the office by our specially-trained aestheticians.

Anti-Cellulite Treatments

Body Fx – Non-Invasive Body Contouring and Cellulite Reduction

YOUN Plastic Surgery offers the new, FDA-approved Body FX. This state-of-the-art treatment combines radiofrequency energy with vacuum suction to not only reduce cellulite, but tighten skin AND reduce the size of fat deposits. A recent study found the average patient lost an average of one inch from each thigh after a set of 4-6 painless treatments. Dr. Youn recently demonstrated the device on the Rachael Ray Show.

Youn Plastic Surgery offers special package discounts for multiple Body FX treatments. Body FX is performed in the office by our specially-trained aestheticians.

View our Before & After Photo Gallery of Body Procedures