Submental Liposuction

Submental liposuction removes the fat under the chin and in the neck to produce a sharper jawline and neckline. This procedure is best in patients who still have elastic skin and involves a small 1 cm incision under the chin. Patients who are older and/or have loose skin under their chin are not as good candidates for this procedure. Patients usually don’t need any pain pills, and often go back to work after just a couple days. More and more plastic surgeons are using laser-assisted liposuction (Smart Lipo, Lipolite, Slim Lipo, etc.) as an aid in tightening the skin. The jury is still out on whether the benefits of laser-assisted liposuction are significant enough to notice. Laser-assisted submental liposuction will not tighten up the submental area anywhere near as impressive as an actual facelift.


Submental Liposuction – Before


Submental Liposuction – After

Facial Fat Grafting or Transfer

Facial aging involves both drooping of the skin and a loss of volume. While the loosening of the skin is usually most evident by the time you reach your forties or fifties, loss of volume can be seen as early as your late twenties. Loss of volume, or a gaunt look to the face, is most often seen in the lips, the cheeks, and under the eyes. This is best treated by Facial Fat Grafting or Transfer. Fat can be removed from the tummy or thighs via a small incision, purified, and reinjected into areas of the face which have become gaunt with age or hereditary factors. The amount of fat that lasts permanently varies per patient and per area, and can be repeated if necessary for optimal results. There is usually minimal discomfort and scars, although significant swelling may persist for two to three weeks. Most people have a ‘take’ of 30-70%, with a lower take in people who have a high metabolism (really thin). Some surgeons use a more traumatic fat grafting procedure which can result in swelling that can last months, which Dr. Youn does not advocate.


Facial Fat Grafting – Before


Facial Fat Grafting – After

Browlift (Forehead Lift)

A forehead lift or browlift is used to correct a drooping browline (eyebrow area) reducing the horizontal lines and furrows (worry lines) that often make a person appear angry, sad or tired. The procedure creates a refreshed, youthful appearance to the forehead area above the eyes. There are two surgical methods, and during your initial consultation the procedure that Dr. Youn believes works best for you will be recommended.


Browlift – Before


Brow lift – After

Dr. Youn most often performs the Endotine Endoscopic Browlift. This enables the procedure to be performed with a minimal number of incisions and a minimum of downtime. With the Endotine system, Dr. Youn is able to perform an endoscopic browlift using small absorbable implants instead of metal screws. The brow is lifted, creating a refreshed and youthful look. The implants are palpable, but absorb completely within a few months. Dr. Youn utilizes five separate 2 cm incisions for his endoscopic browlifts. Recovery is minimal, although patients may have bruising that can last for a few weeks and swelling that can persist for a couple months.

Brow Lift

Brow Lift

The traditional method of browlift utilizes a longer surgical incision that is hidden either in the hairline or in the scalp, typically extending from ear to ear. This is a time-tested procedure with great results, but a higher rate of numbness and bald areas. Dr. Youn typically reserves this procedure for patients who are not good candidates for the endoscopic browlift or have not had lasting results from an ‘endobrow.’

View our Before & After Photo Gallery of Face Procedures