Anti-Aging Nutritional Supplements – What Should You Take and Why? With Dr. Anthony Youn

(Episode 231): Anti-Aging Nutritional Supplements – What Should You Take and Why? With Dr. Anthony Youn

Nutritional supplements are a controversial topic in medicine.  Many doctors believe there is no benefit to taking supplements, and you’re paying money to basically make expensive pee.  Many holistic health practitioners disagree.  So what does science say?

On this episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show, I’m getting to the bottom of anti-aging nutritional supplements.  Do they work?  Will they actually help your skin to look younger?  And if so, what nutritional supplements do I recommend?

I’ll give you the straight scoop on which nutritional supplements you should consider taking, and where you can get them.

Join me as I reveal Anti-Aging Nutritional Supplements – What Should You Take and Why?

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