Brain Fog, Neuroplasticity,
And Healing The Broken
Brain With Dr. Mike Dow

(Episode 13): Brain Fog, Neuroplasticity,
And Healing The Broken
Brain With Dr. Mike Dow

Have you discovered that your mind isn’t quite as sharp as it used to be? Are you forgetting things that maybe you shouldn’t? Or maybe you’re finding that learning new concepts is getting progressively more difficult? Or you might feel like your mind is in a perpetual fog.

If this sounds like you, then you may have developed the dreaded Brain Fog. But don’t worry, there is a fix. You can sharpen your mind, improve your intellectual functioning, and clear that fog away. And, the solution does not have to involve prescription medications. The key to improving your brain fog may lie in the concept of neuroplasticity. Intrigued?

If so, please join me and my guest, psychologist and New York Times bestselling author, Dr. Mike Dow, as we explore Brain Fog, Neuroplasticity, and Healing the Broken Brain.

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