Breast Implant Illness: Are Breast Implants Safe? with Dr. Anthony Youn
(Episode 125): Breast Implant Illness: Are Breast Implants Safe? with Dr. Anthony Youn

Breast Implant Illness (BII) is a controversial and hot topic in plastic surgery today.
Although the FDA lifted the moratorium on silicone breast implants in 2006, declaring them safe, there is a rapidly growing movement of women who believe their breast implants are making them sick. Headaches, brain fog, muscle aches, arthritis, hair loss –the list of symptoms attributed to breast implants is long.
For some women these symptoms can be life-altering and debilitating. And some of them are undergoing drastic operations to treat it.
So what do the scientific studies show? Is Breast Implant Illness real? And if so, who is most at risk, and how should it be treated? In this episode, I go over the published studies and give my viewpoint on Breast Implant Illness. I share whether I believe it’s real and what you need to know about it.
Join me as I discuss Breast Implant Illness: Are Breast Implants Safe?