Histamine Intolerance: Do You Have It and What Can You Do About It? With Dr. Becky Campbell

(Episode 183): Histamine Intolerance: Do You Have It and What Can You Do About It? With Dr. Becky Campbell

Do you suffer from migraines, eczema, brain fog, or unexplained rashes after eating certain foods?

If so, you may be dealing with histamine intolerance. This little-known condition can present in many ways, and unfortunately, most conventionally trained physicians know very little about it. Because of this, most people who suffer from histamine intolerance do so without ever knowing what’s wrong.

My guest this week is a natural medicine physician who has dedicated herself to educating people around the country about histamine intolerance. On this episode we reveal how you can tell if you have histamine intolerance and if you do, what you can do about it. It’s a condition that’s more common than we realize, and one that everyone should know about.

Join me and Dr. Becky Campbell as we discuss Histamine Intolerance: Do You Have It and What Can You Do About It?

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