The Latest Advances
In Cosmetic Dentistry
With Dr. Bill Dorfman
(Episode 21): The Latest Advances
In Cosmetic Dentistry
With Dr. Bill Dorfman
What is the first thing you notice about someone you meet? For me, and for I assume a lot of you, it’s their smile. Every year Americans spend billions of dollars on cosmetic dental treatments to whiten, straighten, and even out our teeth. It’s a massive industry, and likely one that you have contributed to.
On this episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show, I’m joined by arguably the country’s most famous cosmetic dentist. We’ll answer such questions as: what’s the most effective way to whiten my teeth on a budget? What’s the difference between crowns and veneers, and when might I benefit from them? Is fluoride bad for our health? And, what’s the deal with all those people who have blindingly white teeth? You know the ones I’m talking about!
Please join me and America’s Dentist, Dr. Bill Dorfman, as we reveal The Latest Advances In Cosmetic Dentistry.