Lunchtime Cosmetic
Treatments With
Dr. Steven Svehlak

(Episode 9): Lunchtime Cosmetic
Treatments With
Dr. Steven Svehlak

Do you want to look better without having to undergo a lot of pain, downtime, and a general anesthesia? Well, if you do, then you’re in luck. Minimally-invasive procedures are all the rage in plastic surgery today. Now we are able to remove fat, lift necks, reshape the nose, and get rid of saggy eyelid skin with shorter recoveries, smaller scars, and less cost than ever before. Sounds good, right? Well, my guest in this episode is a master at performing these types of lunchtime procedures.

Now these aren’t necessarily treatments that are done during your lunch break, but conceivably they could be. They’re that easy to have done. And best of all, they don’t require going to the hospital, getting a general anesthesia or even an IV, and you can walk out and even drive yourself home afterwards.

Have I piqued your interest? In this episode of “The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show” we’ll explore the world of lunchtime cosmetic treatments with board-certified, Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Steven Svehlak.

If you are interested in seeing the before-and-after photos mentioned during this episode, be sure to check out “The Holistic Plastic Surgery” video podcast linked below.

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