Natural Solutions to Embarrassing Skin Problems with Jennifer Fugo
(Episode 180): Natural Solutions to Embarrassing Skin Problems with Jennifer Fugo

Psoriasis. Eczema. Dandruff. Tinea Versicolor.
Millions of us are dealing with skin issues that we’re embarrassed about. If this applies to you, you may have seen a dermatologist, been prescribed topical steroids or other prescription or non-prescription medications, yet not seen your skin problem completely resolve.
On this episode of the Holistic Plastic Surgery Show, I’m joined by a clinical nutritionist who has focused her career on the connection between the health of the skin and the health of the gut. And you may be surprised at just how many skin-related problems have their origins partially or completely in the gut. We’ll discuss a truly integrative approach to embarrassing skin problems, give you real actionable solutions, and reveal why this approach is truly the best for curing these issues.
Join me and my good friend, Jennifer Fugo, as we reveal Natural Solutions to Embarrassing Skin Problems.