Reset Your Hormones to Lose Weight Naturally and Banish Fatigue with Dr. Mariza Snyder
(Episode 124): Reset Your Hormones to Lose Weight Naturally and Banish Fatigue with Dr. Mariza Snyder

Are you one of the millions of women who have difficulty losing stubborn pounds? Or many you often feel fatigued even after getting a lot of rest?
If so, then the cause could be hormonal, and resetting your hormones just might be the answer that you’re looking for. But what if you don’t want to see a doctor and be put on pills?
On this episode, I’m once again joined by my good friend, Dr. Mariza Snyder. She is the author of the newly released book, The Essential Oil Hormone Solution. She’ll reveal how you can use all-natural essential oils to help you shed pounds, jump start your metabolism, reduce sugar cravings, lessen stress, and improve your energy. Whichessential oils will do the trick? We have your answers on this episode.Please join me and Dr. Mariza Snyder as we reveal how to Reset Your Hormones to Lose Weight Naturally and Banish Fatigue.