State-Of-The-Art Body Contouring With Dr. Matthew Schulman

(Episode 11): State-Of-The-Art Body Contouring With Dr. Matthew Schulman

Have you ever wanted to change the shape of your body? According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, you’re not alone. Last year more than 1 million Americans underwent body contouring surgery, including tummy tucks, liposuction, lower body lifts, breast augmentations, and buttock enhancements. It’s one of the fastest growing segments of cosmetic surgery, especially for men and women under 40 years old. The field, and the procedures, are getting so advanced, that there is a burgeoning movement of plastic surgeons who specialize in just that: body contouring. There are right, and wrong, ways to perform these complex operations.

I have one of the country’s foremost experts in body contouring to discuss this trend, as well as some of the innovative, state-of-the-art procedures he performs. We discuss the Botox-assisted breast augmentation, the Smooth Tuck alternative to the traditional tummy tuck, the Brazilian Butt Lift, Mommy Makeovers, and more.

Please join me and my friend and colleague, Dr. Matthew Schulman on the Holistic Plastic Surgery Show.

Note: Before-and-after photos can be viewed on the video version of the podcast.

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