You Are Stronger Than You Think With JJ Virgin

(Episode 2): You Are Stronger Than You Think With JJ Virgin

Admit it. You are addicted to her videos. And if not, it’s a fact that someone you know very well is. Her cyst-bursting, lipoma-evacuating, and pimple-popping videos have been viewed over 750 million times. She has over 5 million followers on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube combined. She has quickly become the most recognized dermatologist in the United States. And I’m lucky to say that she’s a friend of mine.

Dr. Sandra Lee, aka Dr. Pimple Popper, joins me for the first ever “Look, Live, and Be Better” audio and video podcast. We dive deep into how the Dr. Pimple Popper phenomenon got started, and what it is that makes these often gruesome, sometimes nauseating, frequently funny, and always entertaining videos so darn addicting to watch. We also screen two of her favorite Dr. Pimple Popper videos, each with a fascinating story attached.

Please join me and my friend, Dr. Sandra Lee, as we go “Inside the Dr. Pimple Popper Phenomenon.”

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