The Best Options for Lifting Your Face: From Non-Invasive to the Lift-and-Fill Facelift with Dr. Rod Rohrich

(Episode 116): The Best Options for Lifting Your Face: From Non-Invasive to the Lift-and-Fill Facelift with Dr. Rod Rohrich

Jowls, drooping skin, and a sagging neck–these happen to everyone eventually. So what can you do about it? There are so many options for lifting the face today, including lasers, threadlifts, mini facelifts, FaceTite, and real facelifts. So how do you choose which is the best option for you?

On this episode I’m joined by one of the country’s leading experts in facelift surgery. We’ll discuss the best non-invasive and minimally-invasive ways to tighten the face and neck, and reveal when is the right time to consider an actual facelift. We will also reveal our thoughts on some of the trending but controversial treatments in facial rejuvenation today.

If your face and neck are beginning to droop, then this episode is for you.

Join me and board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Rod Rohrich as we discuss The Best Options for Lifting YourFace: From Non-Invasive to The Lift-and-Fill Facelift.

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