Top Exercise Tips for Your 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and Beyond with Debra Atkinson
(Episode 152): Top Exercise Tips for Your 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and Beyond with Debra Atkinson

How should your workouts change as you get older?
There are a plethora of different exercise options today, from HIIT to Barre to Pilates to Zumba. But how are you to know which is the best one for your body right now?
On this episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show, I’m joined by fitness expert Debra Atkinson. She’s helped 150,000 women to stay healthy, vibrant, and fit in the second half of their lives. But there’s a lot more to working out as you get older than you may think. She’s going to share with us her Top 3 Exercise Tips for each decade of life, starting in your 40’s. Debra is also going to set the record straight on many untruths and misconceptions about exercising.
If you’re in your 40’s or older and would like to stay fit, healthy, and vibrant, then this podcast is definitely for you.
Join me and my good friend, fitness expert Debra Atkinson as she gives us her Top Exercise Tips for your 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and Beyond.