Lower Blepharoplasty
There are three general ways to do a lower blepharoplasty.
The traditional technique – an incision is made underneath the eyelashes, dissection is performed through the skin and muscle to access the fat. Fat is removed, and a small amount of skin is excised. This leaves a scar along the eyelid underneath the eyelashes.
The transconjunctival (scarless) technique – an incision is made inside the eyelid, allowing fat to be removed without any visible scars. No skin is removed.
The pinch technique – fat is removed via the transconjunctival approach, then a pinch of skin is removed from the front of the eyelid. This leaves a scar along the eyelid underneath the eyelashes.
I trained using the traditional technique, but now perform lower blepharoplasty using exclusively the transconjunctival and pinch techniques. This is because the traditional technique has a much higher risk of the lower eyelid drooping (aka lid retraction) after the surgery.
We believe this is due to cutting through the muscle layer in the traditional technique, which doesn’t occur using the transconjunctival or pinch options. Then the muscle is cut, the nerves are also divided, leaving a higher risk that they eyelid will droop. This is one of the most feared complications of lower blepharoplasty surgery.
Studies have shown that the pinch and transconjunctival techniques may have a lower risk of eyelid drooping than the traditional technique.
For this reason, the traditional lower blepharoplasty is on my Holistic Beauty Blacklist.
To learn more about how I perform lower blepharoplasty, click HERE.
Note: This is based solely on the opinions of Dr. Youn, which do not necessarily reflect the opinions of all doctors or the standard of care in your area. Before you undergo any invasive cosmetic treatment, make sure you consult with a real board-certified plastic surgeon.