The Latest In Plastic Surgery… And Secrets!

  • Posted on: May 12 2017
  • By:

I hope you’re enjoying your week! I’ve recently returned from the annual meeting for the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in San Diego. This is where all the top-notch plastic surgeons gather to instruct each other on the latest techniques and learn about the newest technology. This year I gave four talks, ranging from social media to TV to facelifts.

So what are the hottest plastic surgery trends you should know about?

1. Social Media Use In Plastic Surgery – More and more plastic surgeons (like yours truly) are allowing the public a glimpse inside their operating rooms to learn what really goes on. I’ve started posting daily “Holistic Plastic Surgeon tips” on my Facebook Page and Instagram Page as well. Check them out if you’re interested!

2. Plastic Surgery of the Private Parts is Huge – These are the most talked-about treatments at the meeting. Hundreds of thousands of women with urinary incontinence are finding that easy and painless treatments such as ThermiVa are changing their lives (and their sex lives) more than they ever could have hoped. I discussed these treatments on the 3rd episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show. You can listen to the show by clicking HERE.

3. Fillers, Fillers and More Fillers – There are so many options nowadays, with the recent release of Juvederm Vollure, Restylane Refyne, and Restylane Defyne. Defyne and Refyne are especially exciting, because they offer the smoothest result I’ve ever seen. These will become VERY popular.

4. Lose Fat Without Surgery – I’ve always said the Holy Grail of plastic surgery is fat loss without diet, exercise, surgery, or needles. I’m really excited that yesterday I purchased Sculpsure for my office. This is the newest and best fat-reducing treatment on the market. Sculpsure uses lasers to reduce the thickness of fat by up to 24% with just one 25 minute treatment. It can be used on almost all parts of the body, is painless, and up to four areas can be treated at one time. I am really excited to bring this phenomenal technology to YPS!

5. Unfortunately, Plastic Surgeons Haven’t Gotten on the Holistic Bandwagon Yet – Our box lunches at the meeting consisted of cold cuts, white bread, Coke, Lays BBQ chips, and gross, processed chocolate chip cookies. Yuck! And so, so bad for you!

Plastic Surgery SecretsInterested?

If so, then check out the latest mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show. I’ve created a two-episode mini-series which reveals some very surprising plastic surgery-related facts! Did you know that you can get a brow lift for as little as $30? Or that injectable fillers have caused some people to go blind?

To watch the show, go to If you prefer to listen to the audio podcast, click: Even better, SUBSCRIBE to one or both versions so you never miss the newest advice in health, beauty, and cosmetic treatments!

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