Summer is just around the corner! We all know to use sunscreen to protect our skin when we’re out in the sun, but how do you choose the best sunscreen? Did you know the ingredients in some sunscreens can be harmful to your heath? Studies show that one of the most common sunscreen ingredients, oxybenzone, […]
Posted on: May 27 2021
By: editor
Everyday we expose ourselves to potentially dangerous substances in our beauty products. Here are three options to get the results you want without potentially harmful chemicals and medicines: 1. Replace your sleeping pills with essential oils – Nearly 9 million American adults use prescription sleep aids, often highly addictive pills like benzodiazepines. Essential oils are an […]
Posted on: May 21 2020
By: editor
There is an interesting article (and accompanying television segment) from plastic surgeon and fellow ASAPS member, Dr. Arthur Perry, on the possible long-term side effects of chemical sunscreens. From his article on There are 17 individual sunscreen ingredients that are FDA approved: 15 of these are clear chemicals that absorb UV light and two […]
Posted on: May 9 2013
By: editor