What is the Most Nipped and Tucked City?
- Posted on: Aug 17 2008
Men’s Health Magazine has recently released its list of the most nipped and tucked cities in the United States. Guess what’s number one? San Francisco!
Do you think this may have to do with Senator Nancy Pelosi’s influence? She does look mighty good for her age.
Here is the remainder of the top 10:
2: Honolulu
3: Sacramento
4: Miami
5: Tucson
6: San Diego
7: Richmond, VA
8: Washington, DC
9: Rochester, NY (not Rochester, MI)
10: Seattle
Other notables:
34: Grand Rapids, MI
48: Los Angeles, CA
Which are the least nipped and tucked?
- Lincoln, NE
- Fort Wayne, IN
- Montgomery, AL
- Toledo, OH
- Madison, WI
I actually get quite a few patients who come from Toledo to have plastic surgery here in Metro Detroit…
For the full list from Men’s Health, click here.
Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.
Tagged with: Plastic Surgery City
Posted in: Plastic Surgery News