What Plastic Surgeons Say About Cosmetic Surgery Tourism

  • Posted on: Jun 5 2014
  • By:

It seems more and more people are heading overseas to get their plastic surgery performed.  In the past, I heard mainly about Asians heading to Japan or South Korea to get work done.  Now, there are companies that advertise surgical tourism as a way to save money and see a different country.  This can be a very dangerous proposition.  I was recently interviewed by Epoch Magazine about this subject.  Here is what I said:

What Needs Fixing. There are all sorts of problems. Recently, I removed a pair of implants that were placed in Argentina. The implants were part of a major recall after it was determined that the silicone inside them was industrial-grade, not medical-grade. I’ve seen many botched liposuction surgeries, botched tummy tucks, and poor facelifts. I probably see the most problems with liposuction patients.

Risk Assessment. Unfortunately, plastic surgery is performed poorly in all countries, but the United States has some of the strictest standards for plastic surgery training in the world.

Misconceptions. These patients think that they are getting a good value. Just because the cost of the actual surgery is lower, they don’t necessarily appreciate the added costs of fixing a bad result. Also, if they get a complication, do they want to be treated in another country? Do they trust the health care system in the other country?

Keep in mind that your U.S. health insurance will likely not pay for a hospital stay or complication in another country. There is nothing worse than being horribly sick and hospitalized in another country and finding out that you will need to pay out-of-pocket for all your health care there.

They also interviewed several other plastic surgeons who gave their opinions on this important topic.  You can read the article online HERE.

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Posted in: Dr. Anthony Youn in the Media, Plastic Surgery News