Why You Should Avoid Afternoon Surgery
- Posted on: Nov 28 2012
My latest article on CNN.com has gotten some people riled up:
It’s 3 pm.
You’re checked into the hospital for a routine surgery, scheduled to begin in fifteen minutes. This is the first operation you’ve ever had. Lying on a small gurney, covered only by a thin patient gown, you begin to shiver. Your heart pounds. Four words race through your head: “Am I gonna die?”
Then you meet the operating room team. The anesthesiologist, nurse anesthetist, and OR nurse all exude a combination of compassion and confidence. This is just what you need. Your pulse slows and the shakes disappear. The surgeon and OR nurse hold each of your hands. The anesthesiologist then injects a powerful sedative. The last thing you hear prior to drifting off is, “We’ll take good care of you.”
Suddenly, you’re jolted awake. Intense, blinding lights glare into your face. You find yourself gagging on a thick plastic tube stuck down your throat. The lights turn away. Your eyes begin to adjust and you see…
Four faces you’ve never seen before.
The time of day you have surgery can affect your outcome.
To read the rest of the article, click HERE.
Posted in: Dr. Anthony Youn in the Media