Five “Healthy” Foods That Are Surprisingly Bad
- Posted on: Sep 7 2017
We all want to eat healthier, right? Unfortunately, sometimes we’re fooled into thinking that the foods we eat are actually good for us when they aren’t. With this in mind, I’ve compiled a list of five “healthy” foods that are surprisingly bad for us!
1. Baked Beans – In general, beans are nutritious. They contain good amounts of fiber, protein, and antioxidants. But baked beans (especially from a jar) can contain large amounts of added sugar, syrup, and processed meats like hot dogs, bacon, and salted pork. Instead, switch to regular beans and soak them overnight to make them easier to digest.
2. Banana Chips – These taste great, but are often deep fried, adding unnecessary saturated fat into your diet. Instead, stick with regular bananas to get their large amounts of fiber and potassium.
3. Carbonated Water – LaCroix carbonated water drinks have become super popular with my neighborhood moms and dads. Although carbonated water isn’t bad for you, the carbonation can cause bloating. To avoid this, I recommend sticking with non-carbonated beverages like filtered still water.
Tagged with: Bad "Healthy" Foods, detroit, Health Tips, Healthy Eating Tips, Holistic Health
Posted in: Plastic Surgery News