Dr. Youn's Blog

Dr. Youn on the Fox News Channel Wed Aug 1st

I’ve been asked to be on the Fox News Channel tomorrow morning at 9:30am EDT tomorrow on the show America’s Newsroom. If you get a chance to catch it, I’ll be discussing the influence of plastic surgery television shows on patients and surgery. Thanks to the Fox News Channel for the invitation. Thanks for reading.Michigan-based […]

Liposuction Deaths in Arizona

A massage therapist performed a liposuction procedure in which a woman died. A homeopathic physician who was denied a medical doctor’s license by the state board did another procedure in which a patient died.Others who performed cosmetic surgery did not have formal medical training, including a bookkeeper and a former restaurant owner.(from the Arizona Republic) […]

Ethics of Medical Blogs

There is an interesting article in today’s Detroit Free Press about medical blogs and the ethics surrounding them. There are numerous physicians who have had their blogs shut down due to ethics violations. The question of ethics and this blog has always concerned me. While you can’t please everyone, I hope that this blog is […]

The G Shot

I’ve been asked by the Fox News Channel to discuss The G Shot on America’s Newsroom tomorrow at 9:30 am. The G Shot is a procedure originated by well-known Beverly Hills gynecologist Dr. David Matlock, which entails injecting collagen into the G-spot to increase its thickness and size. The belief is that this can enhance […]

Dr. Youn on Fox News Thursday May 17 at 9:40am

Just a quick note: I’ll be interviewed on Fox News (the cable news channel) tomorrow morning at 9:40am on America’s Newsroom. They will be asking me about some of the latest “fad” cosmetic procedures. Thanks for reading.DrMichigan-based Plastic Surgeon Anthony Youn, M.D.:

New York Times Article

This blog and I were mentioned in the New York Times yesterday in an articled entitled, “Blogging for Beauty.” In it they state: Another surgery skeptic online is Dr. Anthony Youn, a plastic surgeon in Rochester Hills, Mich., who deconstructs the procedures of well-known figures on celebritycosmeticsurgery.blogspot.com. Not too exciting, but a mention nonetheless. They […]

Thermage Complications

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the main medical journal for plastic surgeons, has published a letter in this month’s issue I wrote regarding possible complications of Thermage. Thanks for reading. Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon Anthony Youn, M.D.:

Dr. Youn on E! Television this Weekend

Just an FYI… I will be one of the featured plastic surgeons on E! Entertainment Television’s Special: Celebrity Plastic Surgery: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. It premieres this Saturday at 5 pm, and also plays Sunday night at 8 pm. I haven’t seen it yet, but it sounds like an interesting show! Here […]

Celebs plastic surgery video

Here is an interesting video which has a bunch of before-and-afters of celebrity plastic surgery. Many of these photos can be seen on this blog. The background music is funny too.

Dr. Youn’s Tummy Tuck on Fox News

Fox 2 Detroit ran a news segment on a tummy tuck I recently performed. Click here to view it. The patient had twins, causing the skin and muscle of her tummy to become severely damaged. The segment includes interviews with the patient and myself. Check it out if you like this kind of stuff! Thanks […]