Plastic Surgeon Injects His Own Face With 35 Vials Of Juvederm!

  • Posted on: Aug 20 2012
  • By:

Click HERE for video.  I removed the video since it automatically played.  So annoying!

Florida plastic surgeon Dr. Ryan Maercks filmed himself injecting his own face with 35 vials of Juvederm, as a way to show his patients how volumetric filling of the face is a very good method of facial rejuvenation. Yes, he injected it into his own face! Check out the video. It’s pretty shocking.

I agree with Dr. Maercks that one problem with filler injections is that many patients can only afford a syringe or two. Optimal results can take multiple syringes, which can be unaffordable. But, instead of injecting a dozen vials of Juvederm at $500 each, I prefer using fat grafting or Sculptra. Results with these treatments last a lot longer than Juvederm and are much less expensive.

So what do you think? What would you think about your plastic surgeon if he injected 35 vials of Juvederm into his face?

If you’re one of my patients, then make no mistake. I would never inject my face with 35 vials of Juvederm. I can barely pop a pimple on my face, much less stick needles into it.

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