Post-Divorce Discounts For Plastic Surgery??
- Posted on: Apr 1 2013
The Doctor Oz Show recently aired a segment about plastic surgeons giving discounts for patients who have undergone a recent divorce. According to a survey conducted by the program, 19% of plastic surgeons offer discounts to women going under the knife! This trend is somewhat troubling to me, as a board-certified plastic surgeon. I often see patients who come to see me for surgery after undergoing a divorce, but would never try to discount surgery in order to subtly coerce them into undergoing the procedure. Sometimes these women (and occasionally men) are in vulnerable psychological states, and I strongly believe it’s wrong for a plastic surgeon to take advantage of that.
The show had an interesting discussion between two plastic surgeons and a psychologist that got a little heated at times. I agreed with many of the points the psychologist made, but completely reject her statement that most plastic surgeons don’t turn down patients for surgery when they aren’t psychologically good candidates. I turn down about one out of every 4-5 patients who come to see me, mostly because of unrealistic expectations or psychological issues.
You can catch snippets of the show on the Doctor Oz Show website links below:
Tagged with: cosmetic surgery, Dr. Oz, revenge plastic surgery
Posted in: Plastic Surgery News