The University of Michigan On “In Stitches”- “Refreshingly Honest And Humorous”

  • Posted on: Mar 26 2012
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The University of Michigan student paper, Michigan Daily, has published a nice little article about my memoir In Stitches.

“What a pair. Double D’s. Poking up at me like twin peaks. Pam Anderson, eat your heart out. Too bad they’re attached to a fourteen-year-old boy.”

So begins Anthony Youn’s “In Stitches,” a refreshingly honest and humorous memoir about the life of a surgeon in the making. For pre-med students curious about what it actually takes to become a doctor, “In Stitches” offers a one-of-a-kind look into the transformation from college kid to working physician.

With stories including a recounting of his date with a fire-eating carnival worker and a description of his small-town roots, “In Stitches” differs
enormously from the medical memoirs that typically occupy bookstore shelves.

“I’ve read a lot of medical memoirs by physicians, and to me, they all came across as being overly serious,” Youn said. “In a lot of ways, the books focused on keeping the doctor as the hero of the story. And what I wanted to write was a book about becoming a doctor (and) the process of medical school in particular.”

“These books were typically written by 50-something-year-old men who wrote stories about how they change patients’ lives. And my book is exactly the opposite of that.”

Youn said he wanted to write a book of equal parts truthful and funny that would appeal to a broad range of audiences.

For more of the Michigan Daily article on In Stitches, click HERE.

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