6 Extreme Body Enhancements To Expect In The Next 10 Years

  • Posted on: Oct 16 2012
  • By:

My article from yesterday’s Huffington Post science section:

Every few months, the cosmetic surgery industry creates a new bizarre, over-the-top procedure: Toe-besity? Grannyplasty? Eyelash transplants? It makes you wonder, what’s next?
In the next 10 years, I suspect that today’s ‘extreme plastic surgery’ treatments will seem like run-of-the-mill procedures. The future is likely to bring us astonishingly advanced, and increasingly unusual ways to enhance our bodies.
There are a few reasons for this. For one, plastic surgeons are running out of places on the human body that can be modified, manipulated or enhanced. This is why we’ve seen a rapid growth in recent years of fringe treatments — toe-tucks, dimpleplasty, eyebrow transplants, and more. Science is also moving us rapidly into the future with stem cell research, cloning, bionics, and implantable medical devices. Then there’s the “biohacking” movement which is trying to expand the human potential with technology — it may be a fringe movement today that sounds more like science fiction, but it just may catch on and become increasingly important over the next several years.
The convergence of all of these trends is driving us toward a brave new world of medicine. How weird will it get? Here are my predictions for six extreme procedures to expect by 2022:
  1. Implantable Bras — If this sounds far-fetched, early versions are already out there — like the Breform mesh bra in the UK. Similar to the mesh implant in hernia surgeries, the Breform is placed inside the breast to help hold it up. Over the next 10 years, expect different types of body implants to become even more widespread. For example, we could also see elective heel implants to make walking more comfortable (think of all the nurses and waiters who’d benefit).
  2. Elective Bionics — The 2012 Olympics witnessed the first double amputee sprinter ever to compete. Oscar Pistorius’s legs, amputated below the knees, were augmented with Flex-Foot Cheetah carbon fiber prostheses. Today’s research is mostly focused on solving real problems: prosthetics to replace damaged or amputated limbs; neural implants to stimulate a brain with Parkinson’s disease; cochlear implants to counter deafness; optic implants to improve sight. All of these technologies are in their earliest stages, but where could they take us in 10 years? There’s a good chance that as these fields develop, they will offshoot into elective treatments as well. The elderly are an obvious market — but so too is anyone who wants to enhance their physicality, senses or performance, like athletes, artists, soldiers, etc.

For the rest, please visit my post at the Huffington Post HERE!

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Posted in: Dr. Anthony Youn in the Media, Plastic Surgery News