Dealing with the Backlash

  • Posted on: Feb 20 2020
  • By:

I hope this message finds you doing well! It’s been quite eventful for me these past couple weeks.

I recently created some drama amongst doctors on Twitter with some of my TikTok videos. If you haven’t heard of TikTok, it’s the newest social media app which consists of short, entertaining videos. The audience is quite young (mainly teens and millenials), but it’s become the fastest growing social media app ever. Users post videos where they dance, make you laugh, or reveal something unexpected. I’ve been experimenting with it by posting many funny and educational videos.

To my horror, it’s made me realize my sense of humor matches that of high schoolers.

Some stick-in-the-mud doctors on Twitter discovered my TikTok account, were offended by it, and proceeded to bash me. They especially hated the fact that I associate with naturopaths, chiropractors, and functional medicine “quacks.” Yes, the old-school, closed-minded, Big Pharma doctors apparently rule Twitter.

As someone who’s been in the public eye for the past fifteen years, I’m no stranger to being bashed. I’ve developed some pretty thick skin and have decided that the best way to combat hate is to repay it with love, or at least humor.

I even recently created a video on YouTube where I react and reply to several of the mean comments I’ve received on social media. Comments such as “This guy looks like a transvestite,” “What a load that comes from a doctor’s mouth,” and the worst one, “You look like Christopher Walken.” Whattttt????

If you’re interested in having a laugh, check it out by clicking HERE.

At YPS, things have been the opposite of the weather. Hot!

More and more patients have been signing up and undergoing Emsculpt treatments. This is our newest non-invasive body contouring device. We’re seeing inches lost, six packs gained, and buttocks firmed and lifted. According to, 90% of patients are giving it a big thumbs up! So far our patients have been delighted with the results.

We’re also awaiting the arrival of our new PRP (platelet rich plasma) system! This regenerative medicine treatment is a great way to use your own growth factors to rejuvenate your skin. More to come very soon!

Here are the latest episodes of my podcast, The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show. Please SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss a single information-packed show!

Episode #177 EMF’s, 5G, and the Effects of Your Cellphone on Your Health with Dr. Joe Mercola – Are cellphones the cigarettes of the 21st century?

My guest this week believes they are. EMF stands for Electromagnetic Frequencies, and we are being exposed to a greater amount of EMF’s than ever before. So what can these exposures do to our health?

Studies show that excess amounts of EMF’s can cause a myriad of symptoms, including headaches, fatigue, brain fog, and even the early onset of cancer.

My guest, Dr. Joe Mercola, has written a new book about the dangers of EMF called EMF’d. In this episode, he explains the risks of excess EMF exposures, why these risks (including those associated with 5G) are being withheld from the public, and simple steps you can take to mitigate these risks and keep you and your families healthy and safe.

To learn more, listen HERE with Apple devices or HERE with Android phones.

Episode #176The Ultimate Anti Aging Skin Care Routine – Essences. Masks. Copper. Retinol. Vitamin C. Today there are more categories of skin care products and important ingredients in these products than anyone can learn and master. If you’re like the vast majority of women and men in the United States, the sheer number of different kinds and brands of skin care products on the shelves leaves you confused. Which of the hundreds of different products sitting on shelves in front of you do you actually buy?

Well, rest assured. You’re not alone. Most plastic surgeons and even dermatologists get confused, too. It’s not easy to keep up with all the trends and new products in skin care today.

On today’s episode, we’re going to get to the bottom of skin care. I’ll reveal what skin care products you need, which may be considered a helpful splurge, and which ones you can definitely avoid. And, I’m going to give you what I consider the Ultimate Anti-Aging Skin Care Routine.

Listen HERE on Apple devices or HERE on Android.

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Posted in: Plastic Surgery News