Double Jaw Surgery In South Korea – A Horrifying New Trend

  • Posted on: May 29 2013
  • By:

This is a fascinating video from Newsy about a new trend in Korean plastic surgery: the double jaw surgery. This is an operation where the jaw is broken in two places, reshaped, and wired shut for six weeks. Apparently, many South Koreans are having this done in order to thin their jawlines to look more ‘attractive.’ It’s an excruciatingly painful, invasive operation. I should know. I’ve had it done.

I wrote about this in my book “In Stitches,” but during high school my jaw grew to epic proportions. I had trouble closing my mouth and eating. I thought I looked deformed. So I underwent surgery to break my jaw and set it back. And voila! It worked.

But it hurt like hell.

To anyone who is considering double jaw surgery and really, truly does not need it: Don’t Do It! Watch the video about to hear stories from people who’ve regretted it. If you do have a real orthognathic problem, though, make sure you see a reputable oral and maxillofacial surgeon. Don’t trust this surgery to just anyone.

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Posted in: Plastic Surgery News, Plastic Surgery Video