Essential Oils 101

  • Posted on: May 26 2017
  • By:
I’d like to share with you the benefits of essential oils and a great recipe from my friend, Dr. Mariza Snyder, an essential oil expert.
For those of you who are curious about essential oils, but haven’t tried using them, here’s the scoop: Essential oils can be an all-natural alternative to using toxic chemicals and unnecessary medicines. They are concentrated, aromatic compounds located in the bark, stems, leaves, seeds, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. In fact, essential oils are 50 to 70 percent more potent than their herbal counterparts, making them very efficient and cost-effective. For example, one drop of pure, high quality peppermint essential oil is equivalent to 28 glasses of peppermint tea!
So how can you use essential oils? There are many ways to benefit from the effects of these powerful substances. You can inhale them by placing a drop into your hands, rubbing your hands together, cupping your hands over your nose and mouth, and taking a deep breath. They can also be diffused into the air using an ultrasonic cool-air diffuser. Essential oils can also be applied topically, usually by diluting it with a carrier oil (like refined coconut oil).
Essential oils can be used for all sorts of conditions, such as improving the quality of your sleep, increasing your alertness during the day, supporting your immune system, and even substituting for toxic chemicals when cleaning your house. If you get the afternoon sleepies like me (don’t we all?), here’s a recipe from Dr. Mariza to give you an instant energy boost without caffeine, sugar, and other unhealthy substances:
Wild orange and peppermint are my go-to energizer bunnies. Each of these essential oils are very versatile in supporting various functions of the body, but you will find that they are first and foremost, energizing and awakening.
Yield: 1 application
Ingredients: 1 drop wild orange essential oil and 1 drop peppermint essential oil
Directions: Apply peppermint and wild orange essential oil to the palm, rub them together, and take 3 to 4 deep belly breaths. Repeat when needed.
It’s simple, but it really works! I hope you get a chance to try it.
If you are interested in learning more about essential oils, please check out my podcast this week. Dr. Mariza Snyder, author of the new best-selling book,“The Smart Mom’s Guide To Essential Oils,” and I give you the scoop on Essential Oils 101. We reveal an easy way to get started using essential oils, the top 3 essential oils for someone on a strict budget, a simple, all-natural recipe to sleep better at night, and much, much more.
To listen to the audio podcast, click: It’s perfect to listen to in the car or when doing chores. If you prefer to watch it, go to I think you will find it interesting and enlightening!

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