How Are You?

  • Posted on: Apr 23 2020
  • By:

How are you? It’s been a mind-blowing month, hasn’t it?

This past week has come with some good news for me. Here in Detroit, the cases of COVID-19 at my main hospital, Beaumont Troy, appear to have crested and are on the decline. With very few exceptions, my friends and colleagues who work there are all healthy and have sufficient PPE to protect themselves. My week of ER call went very quietly, as I didn’t have to go to the ER even once. And we celebrated my daughter’s birthday yesterday without anyone sick.

I guess in today’s day and age, these are major triumphs.

Still, my heart aches for those who have lost loved ones and those fighting for the lives of others in hospitals that are in more desperate circumstances than mine.

I fully expect that the coming weeks will see all of our situations improve. God willing, the cases of COVID-19 will continue to drop in our area and yours. At this point, my plans to reopen YOUN Plastic Surgery are on hold, as I strongly believe that the risks to my employees and our patients outweigh the financial incentives to the business or the desire for cosmetic treatments.

Safety over profits.

More soon! Please stay healthy and safe, my friends! This, too, shall pass.

Here are the latest episodes of my podcast, The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show. Please SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss a single information-packed show!

Episode #183.5 Ten Top Tips for Beautiful Skin While You’re Stuck At Home with Dr. Anthony Youn – Life has turned upside down. Plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and medspas have all closed their doors. So what is a patient or client to do?

On this podcast, I give you ten simple tips to get beautiful skin while you are stuck at home. Botox wearing off? Filler dissolving away? Miss your chemical peels, IPL, or microneedling? What can you do to take the place of these treatments from the comfort of your home?

I give you the answers in this week’s podcast.

To learn more, listen HERE with Apple devices or HERE with Android phones.

Episode #183Histamine Intolerance: Do You Have It and What Can You Do About It? With Dr. Becky Campbell – Do you suffer from migraines, eczema, brain fog, or unexplained rashes after eating certain foods?

If so, you may be dealing with histamine intolerance. This little-known condition can present in many ways, and unfortunately, most conventionally trained physicians know very little about it. Because of this, most people who suffer from histamine intolerance do so without ever knowing what’s wrong.

My guest this week is a natural medicine physician who has dedicated herself to educating people around the country about histamine intolerance. On this episode we reveal how you can tell if you have histamine intolerance and if you do, what you can do about it. It’s a condition that’s more common than we realize, and one that everyone should know about.

Listen HERE on Apple devices or HERE on Android.

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Posted in: Plastic Surgery News