Secrets to Getting a Flat Tummy!

  • Posted on: Apr 30 2021
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Want a flatter tummy, but don’t want to go under the knife? You’re not alone! Invasive procedures typically come with post-op pain, extensive downtime, and high costs, and many people want to avoid all of those. Sometimes, it simply makes more sense to not undergo surgery.

So what are some non-invasive treatments to get a flatter tummy? Here are my recommendations!

SculpSure – This treatment uses a laser to heat fat cells, causing them to die. SculpSure allows you to treat up to four areas at one time in a 25-minute session. This is perfect for those stubborn areas of fat on the abdomen and flanks that just won’t disappear. The average fat reduction is 24% for only one to two treatments!

Kybella – This is an injection that melts away small areas of fat! Although it’s FDA approved for the double chin, it can be used “off label” to reduce small pockets of fat elsewhere.

Intermittent Fasting (IF) – This is something you can do at home to get a flatter tummy! During IF, you only eat during an eight-hour window each day. Unlike general diets, IF appears to reduce pounds by preferentially focusing on belly fat. To take fasting to the next level, I recommend trying the Fasting Mimicking Diet – a 5-day diet where you eat a limited amount of specially chosen foods to trick your body into thinking it’s fasting. I tried this and lost seven pounds! Check out the Fasting Mimicking Diet by clicking HERE.

EmSculpt – Having children can cause the muscles of the tummy to become separated. This is called a diastasis, and it can often cause the tummy to protrude. EmSculpt is a 30 minute, non-invasive treatment that can reduce a diastasis by upwards of 11%! The treatment uses electromagnetic energy to painlessly stimulate the muscles to contract 20,000 times in a half hour. Bonus: this treatment also reduces fat by an average of 19% and creates more defined abs!

We offer Sculpsure, Kybella, and EmSculpt at our office in Troy, Michigan. They are performed by my specially trained aestheticians and nurses. Call us at (248) 273-7700 if you’re interested in learning more!

Here are the latest episodes of my podcast, The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show. Please SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss a single information-packed show!

Episode #235 Holistic Pelvic Health – How to Deal with the Changes that Happen “Down There” with Dr. Betsy Greenleaf – Menopause and perimenopause bring with them major changes to the pelvic region, specifically to the vagina. The vaginal walls can thin and atrophy, making intercourse difficult and even painful. There is also an increase in recurrent vaginitis and urinary tract infections. So what causes these changes to occur, and what can you do about them or even prevent them from becoming a problem?

She’ll give us the latest information on holistic health of the pelvic region, including why changes in pH and bacteria inside the vagina can create major impacts.

To learn more, listen HERE with Apple devices or HERE with Android phones.

Episode #234– The Ultimate Anti-Aging Skin Care Routine with Dr. Anthony Youn – Essences. Masks. Copper. Retinol. Vitamin C. Today there are more categories of skin care products and important ingredients in these products than anyone can learn and master. If you’re like the vast majority of women and men in the US, the sheer number of different kinds and brands of skin care products on the shelves leaves you confused. Which of the hundreds of different products sitting on shelves in front of you do you actually buy?

It’s not easy to keep up with all the trends and new products in skin care today. I’ll reveal what skin care products you need, which may be considered a helpful splurge, and which ones you can definitely avoid.

Listen HERE on Apple devices or HERE on Android.

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