Solutions to Two Frustrating Skin Issues

  • Posted on: Jan 14 2021
  • By:

Treating scars and stretch marks to reduce their appearance isn’t easy, but it’s not impossible!

From topical solutions to in-office treatments, I have some recommendations for you to look into.

For Scars:

Silagen – This is a silicone-based cream that I encourage all of my surgery patients to use. Its works best on newer scars to help decrease their appearance, but some patients have told me they’ve seen a change on older scars as well. I recommend at least 4-6 months of use as the scars mature.

Pulsed Dye Lasers – These treatments help decrease a scar’s redness! In my office we can use IPL or our ICON 1540 laser to reduce their appearance.

Steroid Injections – At YPS I can use an injection of Kenalog of various strengths to flatten and fade scars. However, there are potential side effects like thinning of the skin that you should consider before having this done. I only use this when scars are growing thicker.

For Stretch Marks:

IPL – Like with scars, IPL can help reduce the appearance of newer stretch marks. We have often used this on patients who have developed stretch marks with breast augmentation. Treatments can be done once a month.

Retinoids – Some people find modest improvement in stretch marks with retinoids, like our YOUN Beauty Retinol Moisturizer. The changes are subtle, but may be worth a try.

I hope this has helped give you some practical ideas!

It’s been a long time since we raised prices on Botox and Dysport injections, but unfortunately the time has come for it to happen. Starting Feb. 1, 2021, the price of Botox will go up 50 cents per unit (to $13) and Dysport will go up 25 cents per unit (to $4.25) when performed by our expert injectors.

Here are the latest episodes of my podcast, The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show. Please SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss a single information-packed show!

Episode #220– Playing “Would You Rather” with Dermatologist Dr. Dustin Portela – I decided to change things up a little bit on this week’s episode. Instead of a traditional style interview, I thought it’d be fun to play a game of Would You Rather with a dermatologist friend of mine.

Would you rather have too much Botox or too much filler? Would you rather have to treat a Real Housewife or a Kardashian? Would you rather be addicted to topical steroids or lip balm?

I have a ton of these, and we’ll both answer them, so you’ll see where a dermatologist compares to a holistic plastic surgeon. It’s a fun but educational episode.

To learn more, listen HERE with Apple devices or HERE with Android phones.

Episode #219– The Truth About COV1D-19 from a Pulmonologist/Critical Care Physician with Dr. Stephen Galens – Since March, the virus has dominated all of our lives. Rumors, false beliefs, and conspiracy theories have abounded. Are people really getting as sick from the virus as the media is portraying? If you’re young and healthy, are you immune from dying? Will a mask help prevent you from getting infected?

To answer all these questions, I’ve asked a local pulmonologist / critical care physician to join me on the podcast today. He’s been on the front lines taking care of patients at my hospital since the pandemic started.

To learn more, listen HERE with Apple devices or HERE with Android phones.

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