The Past Two Weeks

  • Posted on: Aug 30 2019
  • By:

How was your past week? I think this week I’ll take a break from giving health and cosmetic advice and instead tell you a little bit about what I’ve done recently. I’m actually writing this email at 12:11am riding first class (upgraded from coach – I never buy first class!) in a Delta plane 30,000 feet above the earth. God bless modern technology, right?

I spent these past two weeks on vacation in Hawaii. My wife, kids, and I were joined by my parents and sister for the first part of our trip. We cruised the Hawaiian Islands on Norwegian’s Pride of America ship, visiting Maui, the Big Island, and Kauai. We snorkeled, marveled at volcanoes, enjoyed a luau, and visited a lot of beaches. There is truly nothing like the clear waters of a Hawaii beach.

I also took my first helicopter ride ever! What a rush to see the beautiful mountains and valleys of Kauai from the front seat of a small helicopter. The ride was smooth and easy, with no one getting sick but lots of “oohs” and “ahhs!”

We finished the trip by spending the last three days in Oahu, visiting with my cousin who is a missionary there, ziplining hundreds of feet over hills and farm country, and breaking my rule to not eat deep fried dough dipped in sugar. Yes, I sampled the island’s favorite treat: malasadas.

It was truly a memorable experience for everyone in my family. My dad even snorkeled for the first time ever – at the age of 77!

A deep and sincere THANK YOU to you for being my patients, customers, clients, followers and friends. Without you I wouldn’t be able to vacation and enjoy time away with my family like this. I appreciate you and the life you give me.

One funny, final thought – Several of my patients (and one prospective patient who recognized me) were on my flights to and from Hawaii. Small world!

This Week’s NEW Drawing For Anyone Who Has Pre-Ordered “Playing God”

If you’ve pre-ordered “Playing God,” then you will be automatically entered into this week’s drawing for free prizes! This week we’re giving away three gift packs of ZO Skin Health products, each worth over $250!

In order to be entered to win, please pre-order “Playing God” by clicking one of the links below. Not only will you receive five free gifts, but you will be entered into our weekly drawings for cool prizes! The earlier you pre-order, the more chance you have of winning!

Last week’s winners of the ZO GSR kits are: CC from San Jose, EH from Linden, WD from LeRoy, JW from Dallas, and JT from Cowpens!

To pre-order the book, receive five FREE gifts, AND enter the weekly drawings, please click HEREto purchase the book on Amazon or HERE to buy the book at Barnes & Noble online.

Then, once you’ve pre-ordered, click HERE to go to the official “Playing God” page on my website for information on how to obtain your free gifts.

Please email us at if you have any questions. Thank you for all of your support! It really means a lot to me!

Here are the latest episodes of my podcast, The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show. Please SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss a single information-packed show!

Episode #152 – Top Exercise Tips for Your 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and Beyond with Debra Atkinson – How should your workouts change as you get older? There are a plethora of different exercise options today, from HIIT to Barre to Pilates to Zumba. But how are you to know which is the best one for your body right now?

On this episode, I’m joined by fitness expert Debra Atkinson. She’s helped 150,000 women to stay healthy, vibrant, and fit in the second half of their lives. But there’s a lot more to working out as you get older than you may think. She’s going to share with us her Top 3 Exercise Tips for each decade of life, starting in your 40’s. Debra is also going to set the record straight on many untruths and misconceptions about exercising.

If you’re in your 40’s or older and would like to stay fit, healthy, and vibrant, then this podcast is definitely for you.

To learn more, listen HERE with Apple devices or HERE with Android phones.

Episode #151Holistic Plastic Surgery Frequently Asked Questions with Dr. Anthony Youn – On this episode, I’ll be answering your questions! I recently asked our 2700+ members of my True Beauty is Holistic Facebook group what questions they’d like answered in depth on this podcast. On this episode I give you the answers to your frequently asked questions!

So we’ll discuss such varied topics as solutions for stretch marks, how to reverse thinning skin post-menopause, options for puffy eyes, the differences between Botox and its competitors, what creams to apply when, what to do for wrinkles around the mouth, and a whole lot more.

Listen HERE on Apple devices or HERE on Android.

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