The Truth About Wine

  • Posted on: Apr 3 2019
  • By:

Do you love drinking wine like I do?

If so, then you probably already know about the major health benefits of drinking wine, especially red wine. Red wine contains hefty amounts of resveratrol, a powerful anti-aging antioxidant. That’s the good part of wine. But what about the bad?

Did you know that most commercial wine manufacturers add potentially unhealthy and toxic substances to their wine? Additives like:

– Artificial dyes Mega Red and Ultra Purple. These dyes give wine its bright color. If you react to food dyes, then you may react to these, too.

– Sawdust. Some winemakers add this to give their wine the flavor of an oak barrel at a lower price.

– Sugar. This is often added during the fermentation process to speed it up. Unfortunately, it also increases the alcohol content of the wine.

– Commercial yeasts. These could be the real culprit behind feeling crummy after drinking wine (and the hangover the next day!). This is especially true for people with histamine issues. Winemakers add commercial yeasts during the fermentation process, resulting in the reactions so many of us get when drinking wine (such as flushing and headaches). The best wines use only natural, wild yeasts, which can make a big difference in how wine affects you.

– Pesticides and herbicides. Non-organic wine can contain traces of these potentially carcinogenic compounds (aka Roundup).

Scary, right? Knowing this, what is a wine lover to do?

I have the answer.

Dry Farm Wines.

This exclusive brand of wines is lab-tested as the purest, highest quality artisan wine that is free of additives. Dry Farm Wines are:

– Sugar Free. They are fine for people on keto, paleo, and vegan diets.

– Natural and organic. No pesticides and herbicides.

– Lab-tested to ensure quality and alcohol content of 12-12.5%.

– Made from hand-harvested fruit from low yields.

– Fermented with wild, native yeast (not commercial).

I love Dry Farms Wines. They are the only wines I can drink which don’t make me feel flush or give me a hangover the next day. None of that crummy feeling with Dry Farm Wines! Dry Farm Wines are the choice of so many of my friend in the holistic health field, and I’m so glad they introduced them to me.

Interested in trying some?

I’ve arranged for Dry Farm Wines to offer you a special deal. If you sign up for their Friends of the Farm Wine and Social Club, you’ll receive an extra bottle of Dry Farms Wine for just a penny!

By signing up for this special deal, you’ll receive six bottles of red or white wine (your choice) each month for a low price straight to your door. Since you’re a friend of mine, they’re adding an extra bottle for just 1 penny!

Learn more about the highest quality, artisan wines with my stamp of approval by visiting the link in my online store HERE. If you like wine, I guarantee you’ll LOVE Dry Farms Wine!


Here are the latest episodes of my podcast, The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show. Please SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss a single information-packed show!

Episode #131– Cutting Edge Advice from the Nation’s Top Plastic Surgery Consultant with Melinda Farina – Plastic surgery is the wild west of medicine.

It’s no surprise that there is a super popular television program called “Botched.” So how do you avoid getting botched?

On this week’s podcast, I’m joined by The Beauty Broker, Melinda Farina. She is the nation’s premiere plastic surgery consultant, acting as an advisor for men and women considering plastic surgery all over the world.

And on this episode she is spilling it. She’ll dish the dirt on which trendy procedures to consider and which ones to avoid, where to find the best plastic surgeons (hint: it’s not necessarily on Instagram), and why using social media to choose your doctor may be a mistake.

It’s an eye-opening interview with someone on the front lines of plastic surgery.

To learn more, listen HERE with Apple devices or HERE with Android phones.

Episode #130 – What to Eat to Look Younger with Dr. Marissa Tenenbaum – What you eat determines how quickly you age.

You’ve heard me say it many times. The quality of the food on your plate has a huge impact on the quality of your skin. And now studies are showing a true gut-skin connection, where the health of one shows up in the other.

So which foods should you eat to look younger? And which foods should you avoid?

On this episode I’m joined by one of the nation’s premiere board-certified plastic surgeons who also happens to have a background in nutrition. She’s going to share with us which diet she believes is the best for slowing down aging and improving your overall health, the best and worst foods for your skin, her thoughts on dairy, gluten, and collagen supplements, and much more.

Listen HERE on Apple devices or HERE on Android.

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Posted in: Plastic Surgery News