What Do I Have To Do With A College Of Music?

  • Posted on: Nov 29 2011
  • By:

Not much!  But the Berklee Groove, The Student Voice of the Berklee College of Music enjoyed my memoir In Stitches so much they decided to interview me about it and offer a giveaway to win a free copy of my book.  You can visit BerkleeGroove.com HERE.

By the way, I do have some minor musical chops.  I took piano lessons as a kid (forgot it all), played cello for the Greenville Middle and High School Orchestra (forgot all of it), played guitar and sang in a band called Migration (disbanded 10 years ago), played guitar and sang in my church band (no longer invited to sit in), and have now taken up the bass.

Still… I’m no real musician.  I’m more like a three chord-playing hack with an average voice who’s played dozens of gigs.

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