Worried and Stressed? Please Try These Things.
- Posted on: Mar 25 2020
How are you? I hope this post finds you holed up at home with your loved ones, safe and healthy. It’s definitely a scary time right now, with so many of us stressed and worried about our health, finances, and more. I know I am!
So I thought I’d give you a few suggestions on how to reduce your stress and feel better during this time. Here are some things I’ve been doing to improve my mood.
1. Walk in nature. Now is a great time (weather permitting) to take a hike or walk. This past weekend my wife Amy and I brought our kids on a hike in a local park several miles away. We spotted a group of six deer and twelve wild turkeys. So cool! If you’re not sure where to go, I recommend a free app that you can download to your phone called ALL TRAILS. It connects with Apple Maps to bring you right to all the different trails in your area.
2. Meditate. I admit that I’m not a big meditator (is that even a word?). However, Amy and I have recently begun meditating as a way to reduce stress and center ourselves. I’m finding that even ten minutes of meditation can make me feel rejuvenated. I think it’s even helping me sleep better! If you’d like to try meditation, check out the HEADSPACE app. This contains free meditations from a guy whose voice sounds like Ricky Gervais.
3. Exercise. It can help you relieve stress, lose weight, and make you look younger. ‘Nuff said!
Please continue to practice social distancing. I have so many friends on the front lines in the hospitals, risking their lives to keep everyone safe. Please honor them by doing your part to help prevent the spread of these deadly viruses. It’s the least that we can do.
Thank you!
Here are the latest episodes of my podcast, The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show. Please SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss a single information-packed show!
Episode #181 – How to Get Rid of Undereye Dark Circles with Dr. Anthony Youn – Do you have dark circles under your eyes?
If you do, you are definitely not alone! Undereye dark circles are a complaint that I hear every day from my patients and online. So how do you effectively improve them?
On this episode, I’ll give you the solutions to your undereye dark circles. The key is that you must target the treatment to the cause, and there are three main causes that you need to know about. Once you identify the cause of your dark circles, then you can take actionable steps to improve them.
So if you’re tired of applying makeup to your dark circles or sick of people telling you that you look tired when you really aren’t, then this is the podcast episode for you.
To learn more, listen HERE with Apple devices or HERE with Android phones.
Episode #180 – Natural Solutions to Embarrassing Skin Problems with Jennifer Fugo – Psoriasis. Eczema. Dandruff. Tinea Versicolor.
Millions of us are dealing with skin issues that we’re embarrassed about. If this applies to you, you may have seen a dermatologist, been prescribed topical steroids or other prescription or non-prescription medications, yet not seen your skin problem completely resolve.
On this episode, I’m joined by a clinical nutritionist who has focused her career on the connection between the health of the skin and the health of the gut. And you may be surprised at just how many skin-related problems have their origins partially or completely in the gut. We’ll discuss a truly integrative approach to embarrassing skin problems, give you real actionable solutions, and reveal why this approach is truly the best for curing these issues.
Listen HERE on Apple devices or HERE on Android.
Tagged with: Dark Undereye Circles, detroit, Dr. Anthony Youn, dr. youn, Headspace App, Holistic Health, How to Deal with Stress, Meditate, Michigan, plastic surgery, Podcast, Quarantine Activities, Skincare
Posted in: Plastic Surgery News