Avoid Deal-Of-The-Day Plastic Surgery

  • Posted on: Oct 14 2011
  • By:

I recently wrote an editorial for Business Insider.  Here is the first part of my editorial regarding Groupon, Deals-of-the-Day, and plastic surgery:

When times are good, people love a good deal. When times are bad, they are desperate for them. This principle explains Groupon’s explosion in today’s marketplace. While there is nothing wrong with discount shopping, especially during hard times, there are exceptions to the rule. Bargain shopping is okay for some things, but not when it comes to your health.

For example, would you click “buy” on the offer for heart surgery at 50 percent off? What about buy one, get one free colon screenings? Of course not, because these are serious medical procedures, and we understand that it’s risky to choose a doctor based only on who bids the lowest.

This leads me to question why so many people are willing to buy cosmetic plastic surgery procedures on Groupon.

To read more, click here.

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Posted in: Dr. Anthony Youn in the Media, Plastic Surgery News