Avoid This “Health Food”

  • Posted on: Jan 10 2019
  • By:

There’s a belief that most everything ‘plant-based’ is good for you and good for your skin.

Although whole plant foods are, in general, great for improving your skin and reducing aging, processed plant foods can be terrible for them.

One good example is soy.

When consumed in its natural form as edamame, it can be a healthy, age-reducing snack. Even tofu, which is minimally processed, is good for your skin, since it retains most of soy’s omega-3 fats and anti-oxidant isoflavones. These isoflavones are great for your heart and can even help reduce the risk of breast cancer.

The problem with processed soy products, like soy burgers and soy milk, is that much of the beneficial isoflavones are removed during processing and replaced with age-wrecking substances like MSG. For some, the phytoestrogens in processed soy products can also have untoward effects.

One study found that the amount of phytoestrogens in two cups of soy milk were comparable to what women get in a birth control pill!

But what about Asians? Don’t they eat a lot of soy, yet are healthier than Americans?

Asians don’t eat as much soy as we think. They tend to use soy as a condiment (such as in soy sauce) and not as a meal, like we do.

So, bottom-line: natural and minimally-processed soy is good, processed soy is bad.

Here are the latest episodes of my podcast, The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show. Please SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss a single information-packed show!

Episode #119 A Secret Natural Weapon to Heal Your Gut and Rejuvenate Your Skin with Dr. Marisol Teijeiro – The health of your GI tract is reflected in the condition of your skin. This gut-skin axis is on the cutting edge of holistic health and beauty research. So how can we maximize the youthfulness of both?

My guest this week is a renowned naturopathic physician who has dedicated herself to healing her patients’ gut-skin axis. We reveal my guest’s secret natural weapon for healing the gut, regulating bowel movements, and even growing thicker eyelashes. As you may guess, this is a very fun and eye-opening discussion!

To learn more, listen HERE with Apple devices or HERE with Android phones.

Episode #118 – Thoughts on Organic Food and Cancer Prevention, Going Gluten-Free, New Year’s Resolutions, and More with Dr. Mariza Snyder – On this week’s episode, I’m once again joined by functional medicine doc Dr. Mariza Snyder for a fun and informal discussion about several hot topics in health today. We discuss a recent study that revealed a connection between eating organic food and lower rates of cancer (especially in women), how reducing gluten in your diet can impact your health and energy, what we’re resolving to change in the New Year, and much more.

Dr. Mariza also gives a fantastic tip on how to use two of her favorite essential oils to reduce your cravings and increase your energy.

Listen HERE on Apple devices or HERE on Android.

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