Cosmetic Treatments Everyone Is Getting

  • Posted on: Apr 4 2018
  • By:

The numbers are in!

The annual cosmetic surgery statistics from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery have been recently released and reveal some interesting findings.

The procedure with the most growth in 2017 was micro-ablative laser resurfacing – otherwise known as fractional laser treatments. These lasers are used to tighten, smooth, and overall rejuvenate the skin. The number of people undergoing this state-of-the-art anti-aging procedure increased nearly 100% when compared to 2016. This trend mirrors what we are seeing at YOUN Plastic Surgery (YPS) as we recently acquired the ICON 1540 non-ablative fractional laser. We have seen some incredible results, and with minimal downtime and discomfort!

The body procedure with the most growth was non-surgical fat reduction (up 25%), using devices such as Coolsculpting and Sculpsure. These treatments are scientifically proven to reduce the thickness of fat by up to 24% after a single treatment. We acquired SculpSure at YPS in 2017 and have had many, many happy patients. Who doesn’t want to lose fat without needles or surgery?

In regards to surgery, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) grew the most over the past year, with a 26% increase. I perform approximately 50-75 eyelid lifts every year, and have seen my numbers also increasing.

So what’s down?

The procedures with the greatest declines were microdermabrasion/dermabrasion (possibly due to the increasing popularity of microneedling) and injections of Radiesse (better to go with hyaluronic acid injectables like Juvederm and Restylane).

So what will next year bring? Keep following me to find out!

YOUN Beauty Online Special

Marine Botanical Cleanser – Pamper your skin with ocean derived ingredients – long known for their benefits to achieve and maintain healthy and youthful skin. Composed of a proprietary seaweed and mineral complex, this cleanser is packed with vitamins and minerals for a balanced and dewy complexion.

Normal price: $38

Sale price: $28 ($10 off!) – Use coupon code 10off to obtain the sale price. Offer good until April 10, 2018.

To purchase, click HERE to go to our online store.

YPS In-Office Special

If you live near Metro Detroit, want to get rid of stubborn fat, AND you are at a healthy weight, then Sculpsure might be the non-invasive answer for you! For the month of April, Sculpsure treatments are discounted to $997 (regular price $1250)!

To learn more about Sculpsure, watch the informative video on my website HERE. To make a complimentary consultation for Sculpsure, please call our office at (248) 273-7700.


Here are the latest episodes of my new podcast, The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show. Please SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss a single information-packed show!

Episode #79– A Revolutionary Diet to Treat Chronic Autoimmune Conditions (reprise) – My guest this episode is what many doctors would call a medical miracle. Years ago she was diagnosed with progressive multiple sclerosis, which left her wheelchair-bound and quickly on her way to an early death. However, after determining how to maximize the delivery of nutrients to her brain cells, she was able to not only halt the progression of her disease, but reverse it. She went from being confined to a wheelchair to completing an 18 mile bicycle tour. And she did this without medications. She reversed her multiple sclerosis using the power of food.

If you have someone in your life who is suffering from autoimmune disease, and conventional medications and conventional medicine is failing him or her, then you must see or hear this episode.

Listen HERE with Apple devices or HERE with Android phones.

Episode #78 – Innovations and Controversies in Breast Implants with Dr. Dennis Hammond – Each year breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery for women across the country. It’s also quite possibly the most controversial. Although breast augmentation has a 97% “worth it” rating on, there are many patients and health care practitioners who are concerned about their safety. Is breast implant illness a real thing, and if so, how should it be treated? What about breast implant associated ALCL? How about capsular contracture? On this episode, we’ll get to the bottom of these issues, as well as reveal some of the exciting innovations happening in the world of breast enhancement today.

Listen HERE on Apple devices or HERE on Android.

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Posted in: Plastic Surgery News