How are you?

  • Posted on: Apr 2 2020
  • By:

How are you? It’s been challenging for so many of us across the country and around the world. Here in Metro Detroit, COVID-19 cases are rising and our local hospitals are becoming filled to capacity. Yet there is good news coming out amongst all the bad: over 100,000 people have recovered from COVID-19, and upwards of 80% of people who contract it have only mild to moderate symptoms.

Have you taken this time to reconnect with the ones you love? I have to credit my wife who, while I’m in the office every weekday, is helping educate two children, take care of three senior dogs, and complete several home projects she had planned to do for many months. Our newest pup, Sammy (aka Num Num), has developed some weakness of his back legs, which the neurologist has diagnosed as either a slipped disc or tumor. We are praying it’s the former.

My administrative assistant Megan and I are holding down the fort each day at YOUN Plastic Surgery, where I’m doing several virtual consultations each day, creating content for my social media pages, and researching ways to keep my business going and my employees paid during this concerning time. There must be less than forty people working in our twenty-four floor high rise each day, as the parking lots are virtually empty. It’s quite surreal.

So is it the end of the world?

Far from it. I believe it’s the beginning of our world coming together to fight a common foe. We are all soldiers in this battle, whether you are staying home and social distancing or at the front lines like many of my friends, treating patients and saving lives. We all have a role to play, and each role is important in order for us to win.

My role is still evolving. I don’t know whether I’ll be called up to help in my local hospital or beyond. I’d be lying if I said that the pressures of keeping up my business and the ever-increasing likelihood that I will be needed to help my fellow doctors, nurses, and support staff in the ER or ICU don’t keep me up at night.

But for now, the best most of us can do is wait. Stay at home, distance yourself from others, pray for our healthcare workers and all the others who continue to keep this world running, and be comforted by the fact that this, too, shall pass.

I hope this message finds you healthy and loved.

See you next week, my friends.

Here are the latest episodes of my podcast, The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show. Please SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss a single information-packed show!

Episode #181.5 Coronavirus / Covid-19 and Your Children: Tips To Keep Them Healthy and Happy with Dr. Elisa Song – If the Coronavirus pandemic creates extreme anxiety and stress for us adults, how does it impact our children?

On this episode, I’m joined by an integrative, board-certified pediatrician Dr. Elisa Song. We discuss all the issues and concerns regarding Coronavirus and our children, including: How susceptible are our children to developing COVID-19? What can certain foods or nutritional supplements do to prevent getting the virus? What lifestyle modifications can keep us healthy during this concerning time? And how should we talk to our children about Coronavirus and COVID-19?

Dr. Song has some great answers for you this week. This is a must-listen for all parents of school age children.

To learn more, listen HERE with Apple devices or HERE with Android phones.

Episode #181How to Get Rid of Undereye Dark Circles with Dr. Anthony Youn – Do you have dark circles under your eyes?

If you do, you are definitely not alone! Undereye dark circles are a complaint that I hear every day from my patients and online. So how do you effectively improve them?

On this episode, I’ll give you the solutions to your undereye dark circles. The key is that you must target the treatment to the cause, and there are three main causes that you need to know about. Once you identify the cause of your dark circles, then you can take actionable steps to improve them.

So if you’re tired of applying makeup to your dark circles or sick of people telling you that you look tired when you really aren’t, then this is the podcast episode for you.

Listen HERE on Apple devices or HERE on Android.

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