How to Make Unsightly Veins Disappear!
- Posted on: Aug 19 2022
Unsightly veins on the legs are a common problem, whether they’re varicose veins or spider veins. They can worsen with age, pregnancy, and a lot of standing over the years, and many individuals hate how visible they are – enough so they never wear shorts!
You might be surprised to hear the statistics, but 20 percent of men and 40 percent of women have varicose veins. Varicose veins are puffy, enlarged veins that can create soreness. They’re caused by dysfunctional valves. These valves are supposed to let blood flow in only one direction, but over time they can weaken. In those cases, blood can back up and go the wrong way, creating a puffy appearance.
Spider veins are dark blue, black, or red squiggly veins that typically occur on the legs in clusters or streaks but don’t cause pain. They tend to increase with age, pregnancy, and jobs that require a lot of standing, but they can also be genetic. More than 50 percent of women have spider veins, so they’re nothing to be ashamed of. Like varicose veins, they’re caused by dysfunctional valves, causing the blood to back up but not causing the vein to swell.
Luckily, treating both types of veins is possible, and I’ll break some options down for you!
If You Have Varicose Veins, Try This:
Elevate Your Legs – Whenever you’re at home, or even if possible at work, put your legs up above your heart. This decreases pressure on your veins and can help the blood flow through the problem valves in the right direction. Although this doesn’t solve the problem, it can help limit the severity of your varicose veins.
Compression Hose or Stockings – This might sound “old lady,” but they help! And if you have a job where you stand for long periods – like hair dressers, surgeons, etc., compression hose might help prevent varicose veins from showing up. There are fashionable commercially available options online for men and women!
Endovenous Laser Therapy (EVT) – This is a minimally invasive treatment that has minimal downtime and bleeding. During this procedure, a surgeon inserts a laser fiber into the vein along its length. The laser is turned on and then slowly removed from the vein, which causes the blood in the vein to coagulate. This results in the vein collapsing on itself.
If You Have Spider Veins, Try This:
Sclerotherapy – This is slightly invasive, but it’s the most common and effective treatment for spider veins, and it’s relatively easy to undergo. During this procedure, a plastic surgeon or dermatologist injects a caustic solution or salt water into the spider vein with a small needle, causing the vein to close off and disappear. Typically one treatment is all that’s needed for a dramatic improvement, but sometimes two or three may be necessary.
Laser Treatments – In these cases, the blood vessel is burned closed while leaving the skin unharmed. These treatments can involve four to six sessions for optimal results. Laser treatments are great for those who are needle-phobic and able to return for multiple treatments. Due to the additional treatments, it could cost more than a single sclerotherapy session.
One final fact: crossing your legs doesn’t cause varicose or spider veins! It’s a myth, so don’t be afraid to cross them!
I hope this information was helpful!
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Tagged with: Cosmetic Treatments, detroit, doctor, dr. youn, Endovenous Laser Therapy, Holistic Health, Sclerotherapy, spider veins, Vericose Veins, YouTube
Posted in: Plastic Surgery News