Three of the Worst Celebrity Plastic Surgeries
- Posted on: Apr 13 2021
Celebrities and botched plastic surgeries go hand-in-hand. It seems that every day a patient tells me not to make her look like a Real Housewife! With that in mind, I thought I’d reveal some of the worst decisions in celebrity plastic surgery… and what you can learn from them. Let’s start!
3. Simon Cowell and Threadlifts – Many articles have claimed Simon Cowell has admitted to having a threadlift to lift his face for a more youthful appearance. However, these types of cosmetic treatments are expensive and don’t last longer than a year if you’re lucky. I don’t recommend them!
2. Courteney Cox and Too Much Filler and Botox– Layering injections is never a good idea. Courteney has admitted she received layers of filler and Botox, which made her had that “pillow face” that looks unnatural. Her cheeks looked inflated and her eyebrows drooped. A little can go a long way when it comes to injectables, so don’t overdo it!
1. Cardi B and Illegal Silicone Butt Injections – Cardi B had illegal silicone injections into her butt! She claims to have gone to a basement somewhere in Queens to get the injections. This is extremely dangerous and can even kill you! This is probably one of the worst things you can do for your health! If you really want a larger butt, find an alternative treatment like EmSculpt or stick to doing squats in the gym.
Here are the latest episodes of my podcast, The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show. Please SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss a single information-packed show!
Episode #232 – Cosmetic Scams – What to Avoid and What to Do Instead with Dr. Christian Subbio – Today’s hot new cosmetic treatment is often tomorrow’s abandoned option. There are so many trending treatments that come and go in cosmetic medicine, it’s hard for consumers and patients to know what is best for them.
I’m joined by one of the country’s most outspoken and reputable plastic surgeons. He’s going to give us what he considers to be the five worst cosmetic treatments and explain why these trendy options being sold by thousands of doctors around the country just don’t cut it. He will also give us the two treatment options that he swears by as being worth your money.
It’s an eye-opening episode that gets to the truth about plastic surgery.
To learn more, listen HERE with Apple devices or HERE with Android phones.
Episode #231 – Anti-Aging and Nutritional Supplements – What Should You Take and Why? with Dr. Anthony Youn – Nutritional supplements are a controversial topic in medicine. Many doctors believe there is no benefit to taking supplements, and you’re paying money to basically make expensive pee. Many holistic health practitioners disagree. So what does science say?
I’m getting to the bottom of anti-aging nutritional supplements. Do they work? Will they actually help your skin to look younger? And if so, what nutritional supplements do I recommend?
I’ll give you the straight scoop on which nutritional supplements you should consider taking, and where you can get them.
Listen HERE on Apple devices or HERE on Android.
Tagged with: Cardi B, celebrity plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, Courteney Cox, Dr. Christian Subbio, dr. youn, plastic surgery, Podcast, Simon Cowell
Posted in: Plastic Surgery News